Source code for flask_hashfs

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""The flask-hashfs module.

Flask extension for HashFS, a content-addressable file management system.

from flask import current_app, request
from hashfs import HashFS, HashAddress

from .__meta__ import (

__all__ = (

[docs]class FlaskHashFS(object): """Flask extension for storing files on file system using hashfs. Configuration values: ====================== =================================================== ``HASHFS_HOST`` Host where files are served. Set if files are served from a different host than application. Defaults to ``None`` which uses ``flask.request.host_url``. ``HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX`` URL path prefix where files are served. Defaults to ``''``. ``HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER`` Root folder to save files. Must be set. ``HASHFS_DEPTH`` Number of nested folders to use when saving files. Defaults to ``4``. ``HASHFS_WIDTH`` Width of each nested subfolder. Defaults to ``1``. ``HASHFS_ALGORITHM`` Hashing algorithm to use when computing content hash. Defaults to ``'sha256'``. ====================== =================================================== """ _extension_name = 'hashfs' def __init__(self, app=None): if app is not None: = app self.init_app(app) else: = None def init_app(self, app): # Flask specific config values. app.config.setdefault('HASHFS_HOST', None) app.config.setdefault('HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX', '') # HashFS specific config values. app.config.setdefault('HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER', None) app.config.setdefault('HASHFS_DEPTH', 4) app.config.setdefault('HASHFS_WIDTH', 1) app.config.setdefault('HASHFS_ALGORITHM', 'sha256') if app.config['HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX'] is None: raise ValueError( 'Missing configuration value for Flask-HashFS: ' '"HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX" must be set') if (app.config['HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX'] and not app.config['HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX'].startswith('/')): raise ValueError( 'Invalid configuration value for Flask-HashFS: ' '"HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX" must start with a leading slash') if not app.config['HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER']: raise ValueError( 'Missing configuration value for Flask-HashFS: ' '"HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER" must be set') client = HashFS(app.config['HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER'], depth=app.config['HASHFS_DEPTH'], width=app.config['HASHFS_WIDTH'], algorithm=app.config['HASHFS_ALGORITHM']) app.extensions[self._extension_name] = { 'client': client } @property def config(self): return current_app.config @property def client(self): """Underlying :class:`HashFS` instance.""" return current_app.extensions[self._extension_name]['client']
[docs] def url_for(self, relpath, external=True): """Return URL for path relative to ``HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER``. Args: relpath (str): Relative path to ``HASHFS_ROOT_FOLDER`` where file is located. external (bool): Whether to include host in URL. Returns: str: URL for path. Note: This function builds the URL with the assumption that `relpath` is a valid file path. It does not check for file existence. """ paths = ['/', self.config['HASHFS_PATH_PREFIX'], relpath] if external: paths.insert(0, self.config['HASHFS_HOST'] or request.host_url) return urljoin(*paths)
[docs] def __getattr__(self, attr): """Proxy all other attribute access to underlying HashFS instance. Please see for further details. """ return getattr(self.client, attr)
def urljoin(*paths): """Join delimited path using specified delimiter. >>> assert urljoin('') == '' >>> assert urljoin('/') == '/' >>> assert urljoin('', '/a') == '/a' >>> assert urljoin('a', '/') == 'a/' >>> assert urljoin('', '/a', '', '', 'b') == '/a/b' >>> ret = '/a/b/c/d/e/' >>> assert urljoin('/a/', 'b/', '/c', 'd', 'e/') == ret >>> assert urljoin('a', 'b', 'c') == 'a/b/c' >>> ret = 'a/b/c/d/e/f' >>> assert urljoin('a/b', '/c/d/', '/e/f') == ret >>> ret = '/a/b/c/1/' >>> assert urljoin('/', 'a', 'b', 'c', '1', '/') == ret >>> assert urljoin([]) == '' """ paths = [path for path in paths if path] if len(paths) == 1: # Special case where there's no need to join anything. # Doing this because if paths==['/'], then an extra '/' # would be added if the else clause ran instead. path = paths[0] else: leading = '/' if paths and paths[0].startswith('/') else '' trailing = '/' if paths and paths[-1].endswith('/') else '' middle = '/'.join([path.strip('/') for path in paths if path.strip('/')]) path = ''.join([leading, middle, trailing]) return path